Tee shirts : PHOTO List of t- shirts for sale, price/colour size availability and photograph of each
DVDS : PHOTO list of dvd’s for sale and sale price and photograph of each
Publications : PHOTO List of publications for sale, price and photograph of each
Other items : PHOTO list of other items for sale, price and photograph of each

We are able to accept credit card payments from overseas or credit card and cash payments at our office in the Valley.
Please email us and let us know which items you would like to order and we will be in contact to collect payment.
We will deliver items to your home, hotel, guest house or villa on Anguilla on collection of credit card payment.
Please give us 48 hours notice to arrange delivery. We are unable to deliver to any addresses outside Anguilla at the moment.

If you are able to collect your order from our office in the Valley we would be happy to see you! Please check our opening times and arrange a time for collection prior to your visit.
Our opening hours are 8 til 4 Monday to Saturday please call 497 5297