Public Awareness, Education, & Stewardship
Nothing occurs in a vacuum – whether it’s the level, type, or speed of development that has been occurring across the island, the decisions that are made by those in power or by the person struggling to make ends meet, or how we value the stories of the past, the environment that supports the present, and the relationship between them which will shape the future. Based on this understanding and in order for Anguilla to develop and flourish, respect must also be paid to the very resources – human and natural – that support its growth and development. This means making the connection between a healthy people, a healthy economy, and a healthy environment. It also means making sure that everyone has the chance and the ability to make informed decisions about what they want for not only their own lives, but for those of generations yet to come.

Our Work in the Schools
The Anguilla National Trust recognises that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. Today’s youth are also experiencing the impacts and consequences of yesterday’s decisions. Instilling a sense of responsibility, balance, and conservation ethic is a key component of the Trust’s natural and cultural environmental awareness and stewardship programme and we have partnered with schools at both the primary and secondary levels to impart critical information about Anguilla, the issues that it is facing as a small island developing state, and the opportunities available that should and must be taken advantage of. Some of our in-school programmes include, but are not limited to:
• Presenting on cultural and environmental topics at the primary and secondary schools
• Partnering with the 6th Form Environmental Science class on environmental resources and management projects
• Conducting tailored Heritage Tours to sites of cultural, historic, and environmental importance
• Guiding hikes and field trips for primary and secondary school students to complement in-class sessions on Anguilla’s natural environment
Youth Environmental Programmes
• Adventure Anguilla: In 2006, the Anguilla National Trust launched Adventure Anguilla, an annual one-week environmental camp. As a hands-on learning experience for the students, emphasis is placed on developing a theoretical understanding of how ecological communities and ecosystems operate, how we as human beings fall within them, and how students can be challenged to translate theory into practice.
• Environment. Research. Action Programme (ERAP): A programme launched in September 2011, the ERAP is directed at and open to young people between the ages of twelve and eighteen. The Programme has three main objectives: to develop young people’s knowledge about conservation and the environment; to provide opportunities for young people to gain experience in sound conservation management practices; and to promote environmental stewardship. Similar to Adventure Anguilla, ERAP is divided into theory and practice components but is a nine month afterschool programme that is divided into three three-months modules (wetland ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, and coastal ecosystems).
• Youth Environmental Society of Anguilla (YESA): YESA was established in 2011 and as a youth environmental group. Comprised of young people between the ages of 16 and 30, YESA seeks to provide an avenue for youth environmental advocacy, empowerment, and action. The Anguilla National Trust is an active supporter of the organisation which currently operates out of the Trust office.
• Young Explorers: A hands-on environmental after school programme for 3 to 7 year olds held during the school year.
• Where the Wild Things Are: A summer environmental programme for 3 to 7 year olds that focuses on experiential learning, exploring Anguilla, and learning while having fun.

Media & Publications
The ANT is very active in both traditional and social media. Please check out and like our very active Facebook page.
On Video/YouTube
The Anguilla National Trust has produced a number of commercials and documentaries.

The Anguilla National Trust has a series of Public Service Announcements that air on both Radio Anguilla 95.5FM and Kool FM 103.3.
Research & Publications
if you would like more information or a copy of any of the below please contact us
- Eco-Corner
- Confessions of an Environmentalist
- Window to our Wetlands
- Brochures and Posters
- Position and Policy Briefs
- Policies
- Reports
- State of Environment Reports
- Newsletters
- Annual Reports
- Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Merging Global and National Environmental Policies (October 2005)
- Coastline Development: Where to Draw the Line (November 2005)
- Taking Conservation to the Next Level (January 2006)
- Minding the Sand: Understanding the Impacts of Sand Mining (February 2006)
- Making the Connection: Converting Words into Action (March 2006)
- Dog Island: A Seabirds’ (and Seabirders’) Paradise (June 2006)
- Mangrove Forests: Seeing the Trees and the Forest (July 2006)
- Environmental Impact Assessments: Guiding Island Development (July 2006)
- Climate Change: Examining the Options, Adapting to a New Way of Life (August 2006)
- Environmental Economics: The Forgotten Development Variable (February 2007)
- Seagrass Beds: Underwater Rainforests (April 2007)
- Do Good Things Come in Small Packages?: Protected Areas in Anguilla (August 2007)
- Ensuring that there is Plenty of Fish in the Sea: Marine Protected Areas and Marine Reserves (Ocotober 2007)
- Anguilla’s Marine Parks: Balancing Use with Protection (March 2008)
- Coral Reefs: A Whirlwind Tour of an Underwater World (October 2008)
- Conserving Anguilla’s Sea Turtles (August 2010)
- A Sea Turtle Nesting Beach Lighting Plan: Small Steps that will help protect an Endangered Species (July 2011)
- Sea Turtles and their Natural Habitats (September 2011)

Confessions of an Environmentalist
- Confessions of an Environmentalist (November 2011)
Window to our Wetlands Newsletter
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- January 2009
- March 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- June 2009
- July 2009
- August 2009
- September & October 2009
- November 2009
- January 2010
- February 2010
- March 2010
- April 2010
- May 2010
- June 2010
- July 2010
- August 2010
- September 2010
- October 2010
- November 2010
- January 2011
- February 2011
- April 2011
- July 2011
Brochures and Posters
- Alien Invasion: Understanding invasive species and how to manage their impacts on Anguilla
- Anguilla Beware...The Lionfish
- Anguilla’s Marine Parks
- Anguilla Sea Turtle Guide
- Lionfish Response Plan, Anguilla, BWI
- Under the Water’s Surface: Anguilla’s Coastal Habitats
Position Papers & Policy Briefs
• Sea turtle lighting policy/ordinance for Anguilla’s coastal developing areas
• Sea Turtle Conservation: The importance of linking species protection with habitat conservation
• Plastic bag and single use plastic and Styrofoam waste reduction options
- Anguilla Culture Policy
- Anguilla Energy Policy
• Linking the Social with the Natural: a socio-economic review of Shoal Bay-Island Harbour Marine Park
• Anguilla’s Coastal Policy Report Card
• Anguilla’s Coastal Assessment Report Card
State of Environment Reports
• State of Anguilla’s Wetland Birds 2007-2011
• State of Anguilla’s Wetland Birds 2012-2013
• One Rock (2013-2016)
Strategic Plans and Annual Reports
• Anguilla National Trust Strategic Plan 2011-2016
• Anguilla Sea Turtle Conservation Group Strategic Plan 2011-2013
• Anguilla National Trust Annual Report 2011
• Anguilla National Trust Annual Report 2012
• Anguilla National Trust Annual Report 2013
• Anguilla National Trust Annual Report 2014