The Anguilla National Trust (ANT) was founded in 1989 with the mandate to sustain the island’s natural and cultural heritage through active management and education for the benefit of today’s and tomorrow’s generations.
The ANT has remained true to that mandate and, since its formation, we have been instrumental in the creation of Anguilla’s national parks, conservation areas, and heritage sites and continue to be involved in their day-to-day management.
We conduct essential research and conservation work, including habitat and species monitoring and we work year-round to raise public awareness about the fragility, complexity, and beauty of the island’s natural and cultural resources.
Above all, we act as voice for Anguilla’s national heritage. The ANT has been in housed in the Old Customs Building in The Valley since 1991.
Read more about our Work.
ANT Strategic Plan - 2020-2024 ANT Projected Income and Expenditure - 2020

Our Mission
The Anguilla National Trust seeks to be a leader in promoting, supporting, and enabling sustainable development in Anguilla.
We are committed to the conservation of Anguilla’s natural and cultural heritage, while promoting and supporting environmental and cultural stewardship.
Our Vision
We strive to be a respected centre of environmental and cultural conservation and in doing so engender a revolution in environmental and cultural consciousness.
Our vision for Anguilla is that the island becomes a model of outstanding environmental and cultural stewardship, management, and conservation.

Our Leadership
As a nonprofit organisation, the ANT deeply values the trust that has been placed in us.
Partners trust us to carry out joint projects; governments and private entities trust us to create solutions that serve nature and people; and members and donors trust us to use their funds to advance conservation.
To safeguard this critical trust, the ANT is committed to best practices in governance, accountability, and transparency.
This commitment exists at all levels of the organization.
Our Council exercises overall responsibility for the policies, programmes, and direction of the ANT and provides advice and counsel on a broad range of policy and operational matters to the ANT staff.
ANT Council:
Avon Carty, President
Leroy Richardson, Vice President
Rita Celestine-Carty, Secretary
Steve Donahue, Treasurer
Sherri Morton, Member
Delon Skellekie

Our Team
Meet our team, the hardworking and committed individuals who manage the day-to-day business of the ANT.
Our team is made of up full time staff and researchers.

Join Us
Preservation for generations is a big job and no one person or organisation can do it alone.
Support the Anguilla National Trust by becoming a Member or Sponsor
we would truly value your contribution.
Interested in actively helping us with our work? Become an ANT volunteer. We welcome your support. If you have time and are interested in volunteering with the Anguilla National Trust,

Anguilla Tours
Sign up for one of our interesting and authentic tours. We offer a range of tours that focus on both Anguilla’s natural and cultural heritage for the whole family.
Explore a different side of Anguilla with our expert and friendly ANT staff.
To book or learn more about our tours visit our Tours Page.
We have a range of gifts and Anguilla souvenirs on sale at our Head Office and proceeds from sales go directly to fund our important work. Browse our tee-shirts, books, and other items here .
We are a very busy organisation! Please visit our blog to see the latest news about our programme work and membership activities. Please join or on-line community and follow and like us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instragram.

By making a donation to the Anguilla National Trust you are making a real impact and contribution to the protection and conservation of what makes this island so special: its people, its natural resources, and its cultural heritage. Please consider a donation read more here.